Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Augmented Intelligence (AuI) in Dentistry
Only 20 most recent publications shown. Click Website link to view full results on PubMed.
Journal of the Michigan Dental Association, April 2021 issue
Faiella, R. A., & Puthussery, S. (April 2021). The emergence of artificial intelligence in dental care delivery. Journal of the Michigan Dental Association, 30–39. This article was reprinted in Texas Dental Journal, April 2022, 139(4), 188-202.
Kessel, J. (April 2021). 10-Minute EBD: Artificial Intelligence in orthodontics. Journal of the Michigan Dental Association, 26–29.
Rosenthal, R. (April 2021). AI use in claims processing and utilization review. Journal of the Michigan Dental Association, 40–43.
Gibson, K.T., Halpin, R., & Warner, B.F. (2023). Feature: AI in dentistry. The Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society, 95(2), 24-25.
Brady, L. (2024). Chat GPT has entered the chat. Texas Dental Journal, 141(1), 42-43.
Thusu, A., (2024). Can machines think? Texas Dental Journal, 141(1), 36-41.
Chang, J. & Glick, A. (2023). Feature: Clinical implementation of artificial intelligence systems. The Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society, 94(3), 18-19.