Our UT System Springer Book program has been expanded to include 2020-2025 published titles!
11/12/2024: There is an issue with our access to 2020-2023 titles. Springer is aware of the issue and is working on a solution.
11/15/2024: Access seems to be restored. Even if the book has a locked icon, give it a try.
Do you prefer to read a print book as opposed to an ebook?
Springer ebooks available in our SpringerLink library packages may be available for you to purchase for $39.99 USD through a print-on-demand service called MyCopy. Unlike Springer Nature’s conventional print books, MyCopy books are always softcover books. The inner work of a MyCopy book is black and white. Hence, all colored parts and illustrations in the interior of regular Springer Nature books and eBooks are monochrome in the MyCopy book.
You will receive a soft-cover copy of the book: